Ms. Smith's Curriculum and Other Useful Info

In Language Arts, our curriculum will be centered on the theme of “Exploring New Perspectives”, which is based on the Common Core State Standards. In each unit, we will explore our understanding of point of view and perspective in literature, using novels, short stories, and film.  Additionally, there will be a variety of writing assignments for each quarter that will be turned into finalized pieces. Grammar, vocabulary, SBAC testing skills, and creative writing will also be included throughout the year.

Below is a brief outline of what your classroom grade will be based on this year.

Ø  Class discussions and assignments - participation is required. You will be given classroom participation grades during each quarter worth 10 points each.
Ø  Nightly homework assignments - late assignments will be penalized by a lowered grade. Homework assignments are typically worth 10 points each. There will be approximately 15 scored homework assignments per quarter. Homework is written on the back board of the classroom, and students are expected to copy down assignments every night in their agenda. As a back-up, I also post the assignments on the 6th grade blog: 

Ø  Writing assignments – There will be four major assignments for the year – one narrative piece, one expository essay, one literary analysis essay, and one synthesis essay. Throughout the units, there will also be short pieces of writing completed either in class or for homework. However, students will be expected to write in their journals on a daily basis in class and at home.

Ø  Quizzes – Quizzes are worth between 20 and 30 points, depending on the subject matter.

Ø  Unit tests – These exams are typically worth 100 points and are based on the current unit of study.

Ø  Four major projects, one at the end of each unit.

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